K. DutbayevaAtyrau Humanitarian College has almost a century of history, which became the holy place of education - the first vocational school in the region. The educational institution , which began its work in 1929 as the Guryev Pedagogical College, trained primary school teachers with special pedagogical education. In 1992 it was named after an outstanding teacher, qualified leader KatiraDutbayeva. Currently, the college is being modernized and improved.A student who has come to us is a future teacher, a future parent, a respected friend who can influence his friend and change his fate. Therefore, we consider that our human dutyis to light a candle of faith and inspire every student who connects his future with this college. It is a great honour for us that thousands of our graduates are contributing to the prosperity and development of independent Kazakhstan in different parts of our country.Currently, the students are taught by excellent teachersof education, holders of Y. Altynsarin badge, holders of the "Best Teacher" badge, masters and teachers of the highest category, who have increased their knowledge within the framework of updating the content of modern education.Today is the age of competition and high technologies, the age of science and education. Therefore, our main goal is to prepare high-quality and qualified specialistswith professional education in accordance with the requirements of the labourmarket, rooted in the national spirit, possessing the advanced technologies of the civilized world.
Sincerely: Director of the Atyrau Humanitarian College named after K. Dutbayeva, Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Master of Pedagogical Sciences, deputy of the regional maslikhat Karabayeva Aizhan Sarsenovna